
Best Practice on Cultural Connections: How to Navigate Business between Europe and Japan (2)

Navigating business between Europe and Japan involves understanding intricate cultural nuances and communication styles. How can you effectively bridge these gaps? In this episode, we explore this with our expert guest from a renowned Japanese company. What are the best practices for navigating cultural connections? Discover the unique Japanese concept of "nemawashi," a meticulous process of laying the groundwork for decisions. Learn how this approach can foster successful international partnerships.

Exploring Innovation: A Visit to Founding Member Raith GmbH

In a special visit that marks the beginning of a series of content leading up to IVAM Microtechnology Network's 30th anniversary, I recently had the pleasure of visiting one of our esteemed founding members, Raith GmbH, in our direct neighborhood in Dortmund. This visit is the first in a series of blog posts, videos, photo galleries, interviews, and other engaging content aimed at building excitement for our celebration in May 2025.

Der IVAM-Podcast: Forschung und Industrie im Dialog - Mikroelektronik als Motor für Innovation (8)

Smarte Systeme und clevere Technologien spielen bereits eine bedeutende Rolle in unserem Alltag. Kaum ein Lebensbereich kommt heute ohne intelligente Technologien aus, die auf Mikroelektronik basieren. Die aktuelle Forschung konzentriert sich darauf, smarte Systeme nicht nur effizienter, sondern auch nahtloser zu integrieren. Doch wie wird sich diese Technologie perspektivisch weiterentwickeln? Die Mikroelektronik-Landschaft ist global vielfältig, aber wie positionieren sich Deutschland und Europa in diesem Wettbewerb?

IVAM Marketing Award Asia: Celebrating Excellence in Medical Technology Marketing

Are you a small or medium-sized enterprise in the field of medical technology? Are you planning to exhibit at Medical manufacturing Asia in Singapore in September? Do you pride yourself on innovative marketing strategies that have propelled your business forward? If so, the IVAM Marketing Award Asia @MMA is an opportunity you won't want to miss.
Microtech Guide

What actually is microtechnology? Let's start a journey through the microtech evolution

Let's step into the captivating world of microtechnology or microsystems engineering and uncover the stories of visionary pioneers who dared to dream small but achieved monumental feats. From the birth of the transistor to the dawn of nanotechnology, witness how their ingenuity reshaped our lives and laid the groundwork for the future. We would like to take a closer look at microtechnology on a regular basis, starting today with the question of what microtechnology actually is and how it is defined

KMU sehen Wettbewerbsvorteile durch KI – Noch fehlt fachliches und rechtliches Know-how!

ChatGPT ist das Hype-Thema der letzten Monate. Nicht ohne Grund: wissenschaftliche Studien zeigen enorme Effizienzgewinne und neue kreative Möglichkeiten auf vielen Gebieten. Letzten Herbst haben IVAM und die Hochschule Hamm-Lippstadt die Studie „Generative Künstliche Intelligenz in der Unternehmenspraxis: Chancen und Risiken aus der Perspektive mittelständischer Unternehmen aus der Mikrosystemtechnik durchgeführt. Die Ergebnisse bestätigen: Das Thema ist wichtig und es fehlt noch an Know-how!

On the Road to Standardization in Microfluidics and Organ-on-Chip

Curious about the latest advancements in microfluidics and Organ-on-Chip standardization? Interested in gaining insights into the ongoing discussions surrounding a groundbreaking sensor/microfluidics interface standard? This article provides a comprehensive overview of current and upcoming activities in these fields, offering a glimpse into the future of cutting-edge technologies.

Supply Chains, Staff Shortage and Climate Crisis: Microtech Industry Defies National and Global Challenges in 2023/24

The consequences of global crises in the form of supply chain problems and rising energy prices are a major challenge, especially in the high-tech sector. Recruitment is increasingly becoming a management problem at national level. These are the results of IVAM's annual survey of economic data from companies and research institutions in the field of microtechnology and related key technologies in Europe. The economic situation of the sector as well as trends and challenges were determined.

μ-MIM-Technologie löst technische Probleme

Die steigende Nachfrage nach Mikroteilen in verschiedenen Branchen ist ungebrochen. Die μ-MIM-Technologie wurde speziell für besonders kleine Metallteile mit engen Maßtoleranzen entwickelt. Wir haben uns ausschließlich auf die Herstellung von kleinen, komplexen Metallteilen in Netzform konzentriert, so dass der Trend zu MIM-Teilen mit einer Größe von mehr als 30 mm nicht in unserem Fokus liegt.

Micro Systems at COMPAMED 2023

Micro Systems will be exhibiting within the IVAM Microtechnology area at COMPAMED 2023, a premier international trade show focused on high-tech solutions for the medical industry, which will be held in Düsseldorf, Germany from Monday 13 to Thursday 16 November 2023. Micro Systems looks forward to welcoming all attendees at Booth F35.3, Hall 8a.