
SCS Biocompatible Parylene Coatings Protect Critical Medical Devices

Advances in science and medical technologies have significantly enhanced the quality of patient care through the use of specialized components, vital-measuring sensors and other critical medical devices and components. Due to the harsh environmental conditions and stringent performance requirements that medical technologies are subjected to, it is crucial to protect components with a reliable conformal coating. Parylene conformal coatings provide a host of beneficial attributes, including biocompatibility and biostability, dielectric and barrier protection, dry-film lubricity and ultra-thin and pinhole-free encapsulation.

Complying with Title 24: Advanced CO2 Sensor for Demand Control Ventilation System

When working with demand control ventilation (DCV) systems, it is essential to comply with Title 24, California's Building Energy Efficiency Standards. Title 24 sets various requirements for building design and construction to reduce energy consumption and improve indoor air quality (IAQ). Title 24 mandates the adoption of DCV systems for new and renovated buildings in California, drawing significant attention to DCV implementation. This article provides insights into Title 24 and offers solutions for compliance.

On the Road to Standardization in Microfluidics and Organ-on-Chip

Curious about the latest advancements in microfluidics and Organ-on-Chip standardization? Interested in gaining insights into the ongoing discussions surrounding a groundbreaking sensor/microfluidics interface standard? This article provides a comprehensive overview of current and upcoming activities in these fields, offering a glimpse into the future of cutting-edge technologies.

μ-MIM-Technologie löst technische Probleme

Die steigende Nachfrage nach Mikroteilen in verschiedenen Branchen ist ungebrochen. Die μ-MIM-Technologie wurde speziell für besonders kleine Metallteile mit engen Maßtoleranzen entwickelt. Wir haben uns ausschließlich auf die Herstellung von kleinen, komplexen Metallteilen in Netzform konzentriert, so dass der Trend zu MIM-Teilen mit einer Größe von mehr als 30 mm nicht in unserem Fokus liegt.

Micro Systems at COMPAMED 2023

Micro Systems will be exhibiting within the IVAM Microtechnology area at COMPAMED 2023, a premier international trade show focused on high-tech solutions for the medical industry, which will be held in Düsseldorf, Germany from Monday 13 to Thursday 16 November 2023. Micro Systems looks forward to welcoming all attendees at Booth F35.3, Hall 8a.

A Japanese Company with Ultra Precise Polishing Technology

TDC is a company located in Japan, that is the world's only company with ultra-precision mirror polishing technology that can polish any shape of any material, including metal, ceramics, resin, and glass, with nano-level precision. TDC has a total of 4,000 domestic customers, mainly companies in the automobile, semiconductor, and space industries, many of which process ultra-precision parts such as MEMS (microelectromechanical system) sensors. There are also processed products that only TDC can produce in the world.

Creating a Fused Silica Glass Lung by Using Selective Laser-induced Etching Technology

Technical glass enables unique features that are interesting for a wide variety of high-precision applications. Glass is chemically inert, therefore it remains chemically stable in harsh environments. Moreover, technical glass e.g. fused silica is resistant to high temperatures and enables excellent optical transmission without any auto fluorescence from deep UV to mid IR.

From idea to IVD product – individual lab on a chip solutions

The past pandemic has shown that smart lab on a chip solutions are stronger in need than ever, for infectious disease control, but also for routine diagnostics that require quick responses or automation of demanding sample preparation workflows. Start-ups and established companies often face the challenge to transform their product idea into initial prototypes and industrial series production with limited resources in terms of time, capacities and decentralized development processes.

LED Chips Custom Measured for Precise Requirements

Chips 4 Light supports companies that have special requirements for optoelectronic components and are looking for specific solutions for small and medium quantities. The company is primarily a distributor for LED chips, detectors and laser products, but also develops LEDs and LED modules outside the usual market standards or manufactures prototypes on customer request.

Microtechnology is paving the way to a smart world

Microtechnology forms the basis for the development of innovative technologies and smart systems that improve our daily lives and open up new possibilities for the future. Overall, miniaturization technologies are essential for digitization and smart applications as they offer space and resource efficiency, enable mobility and portability, create energy-efficient solutions, support connectivity and networking, and open up versatile application possibilities for a smart world.