Posts tagged: Japan


Best Practice on Cultural Connections: How to Navigate Business between Europe and Japan (2)

Navigating business between Europe and Japan involves understanding intricate cultural nuances and communication styles. How can you effectively bridge these gaps? In this episode, we explore this with our expert guest from a renowned Japanese company. What are the best practices for navigating cultural connections? Discover the unique Japanese concept of "nemawashi," a meticulous process of laying the groundwork for decisions. Learn how this approach can foster successful international partnerships.

μ-MIM-Technologie löst technische Probleme

Die steigende Nachfrage nach Mikroteilen in verschiedenen Branchen ist ungebrochen. Die μ-MIM-Technologie wurde speziell für besonders kleine Metallteile mit engen Maßtoleranzen entwickelt. Wir haben uns ausschließlich auf die Herstellung von kleinen, komplexen Metallteilen in Netzform konzentriert, so dass der Trend zu MIM-Teilen mit einer Größe von mehr als 30 mm nicht in unserem Fokus liegt.

A Japanese Company with Ultra Precise Polishing Technology

TDC is a company located in Japan, that is the world's only company with ultra-precision mirror polishing technology that can polish any shape of any material, including metal, ceramics, resin, and glass, with nano-level precision. TDC has a total of 4,000 domestic customers, mainly companies in the automobile, semiconductor, and space industries, many of which process ultra-precision parts such as MEMS (microelectromechanical system) sensors. There are also processed products that only TDC can produce in the world.

NRW-Japan Seminar - Pitch of companies from Fukushima and North-Rhine-Westphalia: Recording of the live stream

Medical technology is a key growth sector in Japan and Germany. It is of great strategic importance in a health-conscious society. Also, the health systems in Japan and Germany face similar challenges, for example, steadily increasing demands due to demographic change.

Erfolgreiche Wirtschaftsbeziehungen im Bereich Medizintechnik zwischen Fukushima und Nordrhein-Westfalen

Im Fokus unserer internationalen Aktivitäten stand auch im letzten Jahr der Ferne Osten. Neben Singapur und China zeigt sich vor allem in Japan, dass konstantes langfristiges Engagement in Asien notwendig ist, um stabile Geschäftsbeziehungen zwischen Firmen aufzubauen und wirtschaftlichen Erfolg zu erzielen.

A “Last Resort in Polishing” that continues to strive for nano-level precision

Among the many types of precision required in manufacturing, those with the greatest impact on product performance and production efficiency are dimension tolerances, surface roughness, and flatness. Particularly in the field of semi-conductors, as manufacturing facilities continue to become ever more sophisticated and microscopic, surface precision and dimension tolerances down to the nano-level are essential.

Transferring data between the EU and Japan is approved by the European Commission

Japan and the EU have had a close economic relations for a long time, especially in the field of microtechnology. According to IVAM’s 2018 economic data survey, more than fifty percent of European microtechnology companies and a quarter of research organizations have business relations with Japan.

Business mit Japan: Was ist in Japan anders als in Deutschland?

Japanern und Deutschen werden ähnliche Eigenschaften zugeschrieben: fleißig, ordnungsliebend, bodenständig, konservativ. Der Mittelstand ist in beiden Ländern sehr stark, ein Motor der wirtschaftlichen Entwicklung. Trotzdem ist die Geschäftsanbahnung zwischen deutschen und japanischen Firmen nicht so einfach: Der Grund liegt laut einschlägigen Experten in den kulturellen Unterschieden!