
Debt crisis dampens economic outlook

Executives in the microtechnology industry expect that the debt crisis in Europe and the U.S. will slow economic development. This is what experts stated in a survey on the current debt crisis and its possible impact on the economy, which the IVAM Microtechnology Network has conducted in late September.

Highlight Overview COMPAMED/MEDICA 2011

COMPAMED, the international leading trade fair for the supplier market of medical manufacturing, opens its doors in the scope of MEDICA from November 16 to 18, 2011 in Düsseldorf, Germany.

New IVAM website - more visibility for members

Since the beginning of August IVAM Microtechnology Network is online with a new website. Interested visitors find at www.ivam.de news, event information, surveys and contact details of companies which are active in the field of micro- and nanotechnology.

Industry representatives meet at IVAM forum in Tokyo to discuss the challenges for future energy efficiency

Like the years before, IVAM Microtechnology Network is organizing the Japanese-German Micro / Nano Business Forum within the “Micromachine/MEMS” in Tokyo, one of the most important exhibitions in the field of micro and nanotechnology in Japan.

IVAM Executive Panel: Microtechnology experts see more opportunities than risks in alternative energy policy

In the next years, electricity costs in Germany may rise as a result of the government’s decision to phase out of nuclear power quickly. Still, representatives of the German microtechnology industry do not only see risks but also new opportunities in the alternative energy policy. It will not only increase the need to exploit new energy sources, but also raise the demand for efficient products and sustainable production methods, which microsystems technology provides.

Changing of the guard at IVAM: Kleinkes obtains a call for a professorship – Hippler becomes CEO

IVAM faces a change in the management: Heinz-Peter Hippler follows Uwe Kleinkes, who obtained a call for a professorship for technology marketing at the Hamm-Lippstadt University of Applied Sciences. Heinz-Peter Hippler has been sales manager at NanoFocus AG at Oberhausen and is very familiar with the IVAM community.

“Energy Harvesting” attracts many visitors - The HANNOVER MESSE proves again its international dimension

For the exhibitors of the IVAM product market “Micro, Nano, Materials” at the HANNOVER MESSE the participation was more than worthwhile this year. “The HANNOVER MESSE has once again proved its international weight. After the half period of the trade fair our exhibitors were already very satisfied with their contacts,” tells Dr. Uwe Kleinkes, CEO of the IVAM Microtechnology Network.

IVAM Executive Panel: Skills shortage not acute for microtechnology SMEs – temporary employment only a compromise

The much-discussed shortage of skilled workers is not an acute problem for many small and medium-sized microtechnology enterprises. Companies whose innovation efforts are thwarted because they do not find adequately qualified staff are the exception rather than the rule. This is a result of a short survey conducted by the IVAM Microtechnology Network.

Annual general meeting: IVAM focusses on user markets - Japan was another topic

IVAM presented a new strategy at this year‘s annual general meeting. The focus is on medical technology, mechanical engineering/production, new materials and energy efficient applications (green microsystems).

Micro- and nanotechnology companies to raise staff numbers again - Skills shortage particularly concerns German companies

The latest economic data survey of the IVAM Microtechnology Network confirms how well the microtechnology, nanotechnology and materials industry in Europe has recovered from the economic and financial crisis. The companies want to hire more employees again, their sales have risen strongly, they are aiming for new overseas markets and looking out on the new business year with confidence. However, skills shortage and a persistent difficulty to raise capital may eventually restrict the industry’s growth.