Jun 29, 2011

IVAM Executive Panel: Microtechnology experts see more opportunities than risks in alternative energy policy

Jun 29, 2011

In the next years, electricity costs in Germany may rise as a result of the government’s decision to phase out of nuclear power quickly. Still, representatives of the German microtechnology industry do not only see risks but also new opportunities in the alternative energy policy. It will not only increase the need to exploit new energy sources, but also raise the demand for efficient products and sustainable production methods, which microsystems technology provides.

According to industry experts, electricity costs are not generally a critical factor in the microtechnology industry. Although there are areas such as the semiconductor industry where production is energy-intensive, higher power costs would bear an economic risk for just over a third (36 percent) of companies. 41 percent of companies say that they would not be adversely affected by rising energy costs either because their production methods are not energy-intensive or because they are already efficient.

Nevertheless, the companies are willing to convert to more power-saving production methods where it is possible and affordable. But their intention to save energy is not primarily triggered by the impending rise of energy rates.  Efficiency is immanent to microtechnology production. Microtechnology does not only keep energy costs low; the very low consumption of materials and supplies leads to sustainable production, too.

Almost three quarters (72 percent) of the experts are convinced that the alternative energy policy opens up new market opportunities. Microsystems technology is creating the basis for sustainable production and efficient products in many industries. Especially those companies that cooperate with the photovoltaic industry, manufacture sensors or energy management systems will benefit from the new energy policy.

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