Posts tagged: Germany


Exploring Innovation: A Visit to Founding Member Raith GmbH

In a special visit that marks the beginning of a series of content leading up to IVAM Microtechnology Network's 30th anniversary, I recently had the pleasure of visiting one of our esteemed founding members, Raith GmbH, in our direct neighborhood in Dortmund. This visit is the first in a series of blog posts, videos, photo galleries, interviews, and other engaging content aimed at building excitement for our celebration in May 2025.

Doesn't Wetzlar just stand for optics? How does this fit in with microtechnology?

Surely at first you think the same as Dr. Dietrich when I contacted him about two years ago: What should IVAM members do at the W3+ Fair in Wetzlar? Wetzlar "only" stands for optics. I got rejected but I don`t give up easily: I invited him to the trade fair in Wetzlar and he got convinced by the mix of over 200 companies which operate in the sectors of optics, mechanics, electronics and photonics.

Vom Employee Buyout zur Business Excellence

Allresist ist mittlerweile ein weltweit anerkannter und unabhängiger Resisthersteller. Die Naturwissenschaftler Brigitte und Matthias Schirmer gründeten das Unternehmen 1992 im Zuge des Umbruchs Deutschlands; beide waren damals noch mit keinerlei Kenntnissen in Management oder Betriebswirtschaft ausgerüstet. Wie konnte es ihnen dennoch gelingen, einen Betrieb aufzubauen und zu einem sozial und ökologisch ausgewogenen, wirtschaftlich erfolgreichen Unternehmen zu entwickeln?