Professional Training: Smart video marketing for B2B companies with AI

The training offers practical guidance on how to use artificial intelligence (AI) to create high-quality video content for B2B and HR marketing. In the course, participants will learn how to effectively use generative AI to create cost-effective videos with simple tools that engage and loyalize their target audiences.

Video marketing is becoming increasingly important for companies: In the areas of sales and marketing as well as in human resources and employer branding, the attention of new contacts can be attracted particularly effectively with meaningful and emotionalizing videos. By using AI tools such as ChatGPT, small and medium-sized companies can create high-quality and creative videos effectively and independently with few resources.  

In the training, participants not only receive theoretical knowledge, but are also guided directly in the creation of their own practical project and receive immediate feedback on their work. This promotes the learning process and the rapid applicability of the content learned.

At the end of the course, participants will be able to independently implement high-quality video projects using simple technical means - from the development of creative video ideas to production.

Dates of the training

The training will take place on the following dates

September 17, 2024 from 9:00 - 10:30 a.m.: Kick-off
September 20, 2024 from 9:00 - 12:00: Workshop 1
September 27, 2024 from 9:00 - 12:00: Workshop 2
October 11, 2024 from 9:00 - 11:00 am: Feedback

Training goals of the workshop

  • Learn how to create high-reach videos without investing heavily in hardware and software
  • Understand the trending topic of “video marketing”
  • Improve your digital lead generation and customer loyalty through effective storytelling
  • Learn how to reach young target groups and international markets with pinpoint accuracy
  • Learn how to use AI in a practical and efficient way to design video campaigns and storyboards 
  • Learn target group-relevant "prompt engineering" for professional video content under guidance
  • Plan and present your own project as part of the course.

How can SMEs produce high-quality videos themselves and reach their target group?

In this online training course "Smart video marketing for B2B companies: Gaining new contacts with AI-assisted content creation", participants will learn how to make the best use of videos to generate targeted new contacts. AI tools will help them to work more efficiently. The course will be led by Klaus-Peter Grave, who works as a marketing manager for international B2B companies, and Prof. Uwe Kleinkes, a B2B expert from Hamm-Lippstadt University of Applied Sciences.

Who is the target group for the course?

This training course is aimed at marketing and sales managers as well as the management of B2B companies or HR departments who want to enhance their digital communication strategies with innovative video content.

Basic knowledge in the field of communication and initial experience in dealing with generative AI are an advantage. Thanks to the practical approach of the training and current case studies, participants learn from practical experience and can implement the knowledge they have acquired directly in their own digital application example.

Prior participation in the course "Strategies and Tools for Successful Digital Marketing: From ChatGPT to Marketing Qualified Lead" is helpful, but not mandatory.