Oct 23, 2023

COMPAMED 23: International platform presents groundbreaking trends for the medical technology industry in November

Source: Fraunhofer IMS, IVAM, Fraunhofer ILT, CiS CiS Forschungsinstitut für Mikrosensorik
Oct 23, 2023

COMPAMED, the world's leading platform for suppliers in the medical technology industry, will again be held in parallel with the MEDICA trade fair in Düsseldorf. Groundbreaking trends and innovations in the medical technology industry will be presented at both trade fairs. Increasing demands for mobility and energy efficiency are constantly driving the development of modern medical technology for diagnosis and therapy. The demand for miniaturization solutions for medical components therefore remains at a constantly high level.

IVAM Microtechnology Network presents largest joint stand at COMPAMED

With 50 exhibitors, the "Hightech for Medical Devices" joint booth by the IVAM Microtechnology Network represents the most extensive focus area at COMPAMED. The high-tech marketplace includes exhibitors from industry and research from 12 different nations, including Germany, Sweden, France, Greece, Belgium, Switzerland, the Netherlands, Taiwan, the United Kingdom, the USA, Japan and Finland. For the first time after the pandemic years, Asian companies will be represented at the joint space.

A special focus will be on optics and precision technology. Also on display will be a wide range of microcomponents, sensors, actuators and sensor systems, micropumps, coatings, smart textiles, and manufacturing and machining processes and services.

USA remains an attractive target market for European medical technology companies: "Europe meets USA" session at the forum

In addition to the joint booth, the COMPAMED HIGH-TECH Forum in Hall 8a will offer insights into the latest developments and technology trends in the medical technology industry. Furthermore, information on important foreign markets for medical technology companies will be provided. The trade audience can look forward to more than 60 international expert presentations, discussions and networking sessions for establishing contacts.

A highlight of the forum is the continuation of the successful series "Europe meets USA - High-Tech for Medical Devices". The event specifically promotes cooperation between component manufacturers, device manufacturers and users from Europe and the USA in the field of medical technology. The last edition of this format resulted in wide-ranging technical discussions and successful contacts between medical technology companies that were simultaneously exhibiting at the neighboring MEDICA. The session will take place on November 14 and will be rounded off with an international networking event.

Also of special note is the first session, in which the Finnish VTT and partners will present current research highlights in the field of printed electronics and 3D printing. In addition, a "hands-on session" on "microfluidics" will be held as part of the forum, organized by the IVAM Focus Group Microfluidics and is scheduled for Wednesday afternoon. Other topics include smart sensor solutions as well as laser technology and photonics.

The COMPAMED HIGH-TECH Forum and the IVAM joint booth can be found during COMPAMED from November 13-16, 2023, in Hall 8a at the Düsseldorf exhibition center.

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