Nov 24, 2014

IVAM Executive Panel, November 2014 - Microtechnology industry expects impetus from TTIP

Nov 24, 2014
Micro- and nanotechnology experts in Germany think that the proposed Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) between the EU and the US would give impetus to their industry. In a survey, which the IVAM Microtechnology Network conducted among leading industry representatives, the majority said that the German micro- und nanotechnology industry would profit from the partnership.
The industry experts are convinced that TTIP would make it easier for German high-tech companies to access the US market. Presently, especially export laws are posing high barriers to trade, which the free trade agreement would help to reduce. This would have a positive impact on the export of high-tech products to the US.

The IVAM Executive Panel is the trend indicator for the micro- and nanotechnology industry. The IVAM Microtechnology Network conducts brief periodic surveys among selected opinion leaders and executives.

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