Mar 31, 2018

Europe is main export region – China to become second most important export market

Mar 31, 2018

The EU and EFTA region is and will continue to be the most important export region for the largest proportion of the European microtechnology companies. Currently, 40.5% of companies focus on exporting within Europe. This share is supposed to increase to 43% over the next three years.

In the overseas export business, the US is the leading market, being the most important export region for just under a quarter (24.1%) of companies. The US will lose ground while China becomes a more important foreign market. In three years' time, only 13.9% of the European microtechnology companies expect the US to be their most important overseas export region, while over a quarter of companies (25.3%) will export mostly to China.

Source: IVAM Survey 2018

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