Aug 9, 2021

Research and industry will discuss status quo and future developments of quantum technology

Aug 9, 2021

Quantum technologies will have a significant impact on society and economy and will develop ever faster in the near future. The international quantum technology conference "QuApps 2021" addresses the status quo and future developments of quantum technology and will take place on September 13 and 14, 2021 as a virtual conference.

"Big players" provide insight into potential markets for quantum sensing and quantum computing

Well-known companies and research institutions will provide a comprehensive overview: The spectrum of topics ranges from quantum applications in various markets such as quantum sensing, processing of quantum materials, metrology or communication to peripheral and enabling technologies. QuApps 2021 establishes an event that presents and discusses relevant applications, material properties and process technologies for quantum applications - from a technical and market perspective.

Prominent speakers, including Microsoft, IBM, Volkswagen, Stanford University, eleQtron, E6 Innovation, Telekom, Bosch, the Berlin Charité and BMW will present insights into potential markets and relevant technologies that will reach or have already reached market maturity. The event is aimed at business development, investment, quantum research and engineering professionals as well as industry trend scouts and the interested public.

The program and further information can be found at



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