Mar 16, 2022

QuiX Quantum launches new quantum photonic processor

Source: PHIX bv
Mar 16, 2022

QuiX Quantum, the market leader in photonic quantum computing hardware, announced the commercial launch of the world’s largest photonic quantum processor. The processor, which was developed at QuiX’ facility in Enschede, the Netherlands, outperforms the current generation of processors by almost a factor of 2. The new quantum photonic processor has a record number of qumodes (20), and the highest operating specifications on the market. With this new product, QuiX Quantum continues to push the envelope of photonic quantum computing.

What is quantum computing?

Quantum computing will revolutionize the way we process information, in fields such as machine learning, chemistry and finance, because of its ability to outperform supercomputers at certain computational tasks. 

A quantum photonic processor is a device that can be used to manipulate light for computations. Such processors are the heart of a photonic quantum computer – a quantum computer that uses particles of light as the basic information-carrying units. 

What makes QuiX’ processor special?

There are two things that matter for a photonic processor – quantity and quality. Quantity here means the number of qumodes that the processor can support. Qumodes are the optical equivalent of qubits, the basic information carrying units in the computer – this number should be as high as possible. The quality of the processor is set by the amount of light which is lost when traversing over the processor – the less the better. QuiX Quantum has succeeded in producing a processor which has simultaneously very low optical losses and the largest number of qumodes.  

With this product launch, QuiX Quantum solidifies its position as the global market leader in photonic quantum computing hardware. QuiX’ products distinguish themselves from the competition not just due to their excellent specifications, but also due to their commercial maturity: the system is plug-and-play, and compatible with a large number of other pieces of quantum photonic hardware including all photon sources and detectors currently on the market. For these reasons, QuiX’ products have become the de-facto standard for photonic quantum computing across Europe, including the FrenchGermanBritish, and Hungarian quantum ecosystems. 

QuiX Quantum is a quantum technology firm located in Enschede, the Netherlands, and is a spinout of the University of Twente, with the main investors being Forward One and Oost NL


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