Nov 24, 2010

COMPAMED convinced with international flair - medical technologies from Germany are in demand all over the world

High-tech for Medical Devices
Source: IVAM
Nov 24, 2010

The 40 international exhibitors of the IVAM-product market „High-tech for Medical Devices“ at this years’ COMPAMED say they were really satisfied with the course of the medical supplies trade show. Thus, the U.S. company Specialty Coating Systems, world market leader in parylene coating and coating units, already applied for COMPAMED 2011 at the first day of the trade show.

More than 16,000 visitors of COMPAMED got informed about technologies and services for upcoming medical technologies. The international experts were particularly interested in innovative solutions and novel production technologies for medical products and devices. “The high percentage of visitors from abroad proves the quality of this show. This is also an indication that medical technologies “made in Germany“ are in demand all over the world”, explains IVAM CEO Dr. Uwe Kleinkes. The highlight of the accompanying forum „High-tech for Medical Devices“ was international as well: in the course of the „Japan session“, a German-Japanese series of lectures with simultaneous translation, experts discussed legal aspects regarding clinical trials of pharmaceutical products. Besides, current trends and activities of the German market were introduced.

The exhibitors of the joint pavilion presented a large variety of solutions for different fields of medical technologies. As in recent years, a special focus was on Electronic Manufacturing Services (EMS): in the course of a special show, exhibitors presented their portfolio, from manufacturing of prefabricated parts and complete devices to testing methods to quality insurance.

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