Mar 9, 2021

Exciting outlook to hybrid conference in September: QuApps Online Workshop highlighted the potential of quantum technology

Mar 9, 2021

The international quantum technology conference "QuApps" addresses the status quo and future developments in quantum technology. The main part of this conference will be held as a hybrid event in September 2021, kicked off by a virtual "QuApps Online Workshop on Applications on Quantum Technologies" on March 2, 2021. Quantum technologies will have a significant impact on society and the economy and will develop at an ever faster pace in the near future.

Quantum sensing offers massive potential for industrial and commercial applications

Quantum sensing represents a particularly promising area. For example, sensor technology, especially in the area of calibration-free measurement methodology, can be taken to a new level through quantum technology. Quantum sensing measurement of magnetic properties can be used, for example, to improve magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in medical technology or in the field of navigation applications.  

Quantum computers as "gamechangers" for research and industry

Quantum computers make it possible to exponentially increase storage capacity and computing power. This enables, for example, more efficient algorithms for artificial intelligence and machine learning applications. Quantum-based simulations open up opportunities to develop and explore drugs with improved speed and efficiency. Simulations of quantum systems are suitable for research and development of chemicals e.g. molecules, solids or polymers.

Quantum algorithms enable secure encryption for communication systems and critical data, but also mean that conventionally encrypted systems are no longer safe. Quantum computing is therefore becoming a key technology that will influence the future and competitiveness of many industries.

ZEISS Quantum Challenge: solving problems using quantum technology

The winners of the ZEISS Quantum Challenge 2020 competition were also announced during the workshop: Prof. Friedemann Reinhard, Professor of quantum technology at the University of Rostock, and Dr. Gabriel Puebla-Hellmann, Managing Director of QZabre AG in Zurich, convinced the expert jury with their ideas. With the award, the renowned company ZEISS recognizes outstanding approaches to solving real-world problems in the fields of medical technology, microscopy and industrial metrology using quantum technology.

International experts’ conference QuApps 2021 in September 2021

The QuApps 2021 conference will present and discuss relevant applications, material properties and process technologies for quantum applications - from a technical and market perspective. Prominent experts will provide insights into potential markets and relevant technologies that will reach or have already reached market maturity. The spectrum of topics ranges from quantum applications in various markets such as quantum sensing, processing of quantum materials, metrology or communication to peripheral and enabling technologies.  

Partners from basic research come together with partners from industry to pave the way for quantum elements into our lives by combining new quantum technologies with state-of-the-art solutions in processing, assembly or control. The conference will focus on exchanges with and between renowned experts in quantum technology.

In addition to quantum engineers and researchers, the event is also aimed at business development strategists and trend scouts in industry, as well as investors and the interested public.

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