Name | City | Country | |
MinacNed - Association of Microsystems, Nano- and Quantumtechnology | Enschede | Netherlands |
Minitubes S.A. | Grenoble Cedex 2 | France |
MMT GmbH | Siegen | Germany |
muVaP GmbH | Schallstadt | Germany |
NanoMat, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) | Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen | Germany |
NanoVoxel GmbH | Vienna | Austria |
National Institute for Research and Development in Microtechnologies - IMT | Bukarest | Romania |
Netzwerk Oberfläche NRW e.V. (NRWO!) | Münster | Germany |
Netzwerk ZENIT e.V. | Muelheim | Germany |
Niederrhein University of Applied Sciences - Institute of Modeling and High-Performance Computing (IMH) | Krefeld | Germany |
OAV - German Asia-Pacific Business Association | Hamburg | Germany |
Oliver Healthcare Packaging | Singapur | Singapore |
OptaSensor GmbH | Nuremberg | Germany |
Optence e.V. | Wörrstadt | Germany |
Optiprint AG | Berneck | Switzerland |
OptoSigma Europe SAS | Munich | Germany |
PERCIPIO ROBOTICS SA | Besancon | France |
PHIX B.V. | Enschede | Netherlands |
PI Ceramic GmbH | Lederhose | Germany |
PLA GIKEN CO., LTD. | Osaka | Japan |