Oliver Healthcare Packaging

Oliver Healthcare Packaging Company is a leading supplier of sterile barrier packaging solutions. Oliver offers sterile-grade die-cut lid, roll stock, HDPE card, and pouch products to the medical device and pharmaceutical markets. Headquartered in Grand Rapids, MI, Oliver has manufacturing operations in Feasterville, PA; New Britain, PA; Hamilton, OH; Anaheim, CA; Venray, Netherlands; and Suzhou, China; and has sales offices and technical centers throughout the United States, Europe, China, and Singapore. More information about Oliver is available at www.oliverhcp.com


Die-Cut Lids
Rollstocks and Forming Films
CleanCut Cards
Device Protection

General Information

Oliver Healthcare Packaging
IVAM member
73 Science Park Drive, #01-06/07/08/09 Cintech 1
118254 Singapur


Anne Chng

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