Asia Photonics Expo 2024

Halle F, Stand FN-20

HOLOEYE is providing products and services in the fields of Spatial Light Modulators (SLM) for phase and amplitude modulation, a broad range of standard Diffractive Optical Elements (DOE) as well as customized design and fabrication services for Diffractive Optics and LCOS microdisplay components for monochrome and color projection applications. We provide highly specialized, most flexible and diversified standard solutions for academic and industrial R&D and offer the highest level of component customization, custom developments, and volume production for industrial integration.


HOLOEYE Photonics AG
Volmerstr. 1
12489 Berlin
Mitarbeiteranzahl: 27
Gründungsjahr: 1999


Klaus von Günner
+49 (0)30 4036 938 0

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