agenium Technologie- und Managementberatung

We are an Europe-wide operating technology enterprise in Guetersloh. If you need competent partners and experts around the advice and the development of innovative solutions, then you are best practised at agenium.


agenium technology intelligence tools provide top insights from global innovation dynamics at your fingertips. Get in touch with us to use the most powerful and intuitive tools to measure and track innovation, competition and technology trends.


  • Technology and Management Consulting
  • Technology Intelligence
  • Market Intelligence
  • Competitive Intelligence
  • Strategy and Marketing
  • Innovation Management

We provide software and consulting for technology decision makers – no matter which line of business or field of technology you deal with.

We and our partners

  • help you evaluate the results you discovered with our software,
  • assist you with the preparation of presentations,
  • prepare customized studies, and
  • provide you with other relevant services, such as Technology Trading or Sourcing.

General Information

agenium Technologie- und Managementberatung
Avenwedder Str. 64
33335 Guetersloh
Number of Employees: 1


Alexander Griwodz
+49 5241 2205 937