International MicroNanoConference 2020 (Online)

Nano for Energy, Agri & Food, Health and Security
03.12. - 04.11.2020

On 3 and 4 December 2020, MinacNed, in collaboration with its partners from micro- and nanotechnology, is organizing the 16th edition of the international MicroNanoConference 2020. This year on a virtual platform where speakers, participants and sponsors meet in online spaces and talk to each other the event deals with current topics within the field.

Prior to the iMNC2020, the event organization gave a glimpse into the current playing field during various pre-events. The main themes of the December conference were at the heart of these pre-events. There were discussions about, among other things, safety, food sustainability and cooperation in corona initiatives with public-private partners.

An important theme this year is Nano4Society. In 2019, the Nanovision for 2030 was introduced by Nano4Society, resulting from the national program NanoNextNL. This Nanovision focuses on 4 themes: Nano4Energy, Nano4Agri & Food, Nano4Health and Nano4Security.

During the conference, we will delve deeper into these themes under the guidance of leading keynote speakers. In interactive sessions there is also a lot of attention for recruitment in high-tech companies during corona and for the growth of startups with the help of experts. Central to this are questions such as: What have we learned in 2020? What will we take with us for the coming years?

In addition to online discussions and key notes, the side program consists of interactive banners, downloads of flyers and of course the personal conversation, whereby old contacts and new leads can be addressed. The iMNC2020 project team is proud to also organize a well-attended conference in 2020 where partners from the micro and nano community will feel at home and can listen to appealing presentations from science and industry.

Registration for the iMNC2020 is still possible via the site. If you cannot attend the sessions live, you have until January 1, 2021 to watch the sessions again.

Weitere Veranstaltungen

05.03. - 07.03.2025
Entdecken Sie die Zukunft der Photonik mit IVAM
04.02. - 06.02.2025
Medical Design & Manufacturing - IVAM präsentiert Sonderbereich Micro Nanotech in Halle C
High-tech for Medical Devices in Halle 8a, Stand G40

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