Posts tagged: SME


Exploring Innovation: A Visit to Founding Member Raith GmbH

In a special visit that marks the beginning of a series of content leading up to IVAM Microtechnology Network's 30th anniversary, I recently had the pleasure of visiting one of our esteemed founding members, Raith GmbH, in our direct neighborhood in Dortmund. This visit is the first in a series of blog posts, videos, photo galleries, interviews, and other engaging content aimed at building excitement for our celebration in May 2025.

Remote work forever!? What will happen to our offices after Corona?

Analogous to the rising and falling incidences, many offices have been filling and emptying at regular intervals since last year. Some remain completely empty. Covid-19 has been making the world more digital. Ideas that have been in the drawer for a long time have now been and are being implemented in many places. Inhibitions about new technologies and working methods are being overcome. On the other hand, we are tired of the many web conferences and would like to have some exchange of ideas in the office kitchenette. Will we fall back into the old patterns after Corona?

How Corona will change (digital) marketing for small and medium-sized companies

The Corona shutdown in many European countries has led to severe distortions for many small and medium-sized companies. This crisis is more serious than the Lehman crisis of 2008/2009! The strongly changed behavior of people during the crisis and the general conditions for companies after the Corona crisis will also have a lasting effect on marketing.

Coronavirus - how Europe supports its economy

The impact of the coronavirus epidemic on the European economy is currently difficult to assess. What is certain, however, is that the longer the epidemic persists, the stronger the effects will be for each individual industrial company and service provider. At this point, IVAM would like to keep you up-to-date on current measures in the European countries, mainly in which our members are based.