Posts tagged: MEDICA


IVAM Microtechnology Podcast: High-tech for Medical Devices

Modern high technologies are important for driving research and development in Medical Technology, e.g. for drugs, vaccines and medical devices. Additionally there is an increasing demand for mobility and energy efficiency with regard to modern medical technology for diagnosis and therapy. For this reason, the market for medical components and innovative processes continues to grow rapidly.

Der IVAM-Podcast: Mikrotechnik als Gamechanger in der Medizintechnik? (4)

Immer kleiner, präziser, smarter und personalisierbar: Moderne Medizintechnik hat in den vergangenen Jahren massiv von den technologischen Innovationen aus der Mikrotechnik profitieren können! Die Möglichkeiten der schönen neuen Medizintechnikwelt scheinen unendlich und werden durch Megatrends wie Künstliche Intelligenz oder Quantentechnologie noch weiter wachsen. Aber ist auch wirklich alles sinnvoll was technisch machbar ist?

How to run a sucessful trade show under pandemic circumstances

Are you currently planning appearances at trade fairs and events? Are you unsure whether everything will work out? Just get used to this feeling and work with it! You have laid the foundation: Because if you manage to organize a successful and safe trade fair appearance in the face of adversity without losing your nerve, nothing will upset you in the future.

Smarte, miniaturisierte Lösungen für Diagnostik und Therapie: Die Highlights der COMPAMED 2021 im Überblick

Endlich wieder Messe live! Endlich wieder Hightech-Medizintechnik in Düsseldorf. Corona hat deutlich gezeigt, wie wichtig Mikro- und Nanotechnik sind, um Innovationen, z.B. für Medikamenten- und Impfstoffentwicklung oder günstige und schnell skalierbare Diagnosemethoden voranzutreiben. Der IVAM-Gemeinschaftstand ist auf der COMPAMED in diesem Jahr in Halle 13 zu finden und zeigt dort smarte, miniaturisierte Lösungen für Diagnostik und Therapie, hochpräzise Fertigungsverfahren und funktionale Materialien.

Fighting pandemics with the help of microfluidics

The pandemic is increasingly becoming a race: a neck-and-neck race between research, development and production of drugs and vaccines on the one hand and mutations on the other. Microfluidics can make all the difference in this race, because microfluidic components accelerate the speed of development and Lab-on-a-chip and chemical microreactors make mobile rapid tests possible and accelerate vaccine development.

Microprecision, Manufacturing and Processing: Recording of the live stream of the virtual COMPAMED

The miniaturization of the dimensions, the precision of the components with their increasing variety of shapes and greater functional integration are the keys to future developments. They are also influenced to a large extent by new technologies that originate from materials engineering and physical process engineering.