Smart products are becoming a reality in more and more markets - including medical technology and health. The key technological pioneers in this development are intelligent sensors that not only collect data, but can also interpret and communicate. The market for medical technology is developing rapidly. Medical products are increasingly focusing on the patient and are becoming more and more functional and intelligent.
Patients benefit from new therapeutic approaches and improved products. Manufacturers have to master the enormous production challenges. After all, the miniaturized, multifunctional and smart products are many times more complex to manufacture. At the same time, the industry is subject to high regulatory requirements and strong price pressure.
At the virtual COMPAMED, a whole session was dedicated to the topic "Smart Sensor Solutions". The recording is still available on YouTube. A total of five presentations were devoted to smart sensor solutions. Below you will find the time schedule when which presentation will be shown in the video.
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2:27 Thermal and Flow Control in Medical Devices: How to Customize High Performance Sensors to Fit your Application, Zuzana Pronayova, Innovative Sensor Technology IST AG, Ebnat-Kappel, CH
20:16 Addressing the Need for Accurate, Safe & Reliable Pressure Measurements in Medical 4.0 Application, Nikolas Valantassis-Kanellos, ES Systems, Koropi, GR
42:08 Saving Power for Wearables using Microdul Sensor Technology, Roland Steger, Microdul AG, Zürich, CH; Dr. Philip J Poole, Microdul AG, Zürich, CH
1:22:09 Sensoring Emergency Cases: Prevent Medical Devices from Failure, Dr. Ronny Leuschner, SMT ELEKTRONIK GmbH, Dresden, DE
If your company or research institution is active in the high-tech medical technology sector and you are looking for interesting contacts to potential customers, suppliers or project partners, please contact us. We will help you to make your products known and find the right contacts for your business development.