Surfix’s photonic diagnostics platform with lab-level precision

Surfix’s mission is to advance global health by delivering accurate, accessible, and affordable diagnostic solutions for disease detection and management, specifically in underserved Point-of-Care (POC) testing segments.

To achieve this goal, Surfix has developed a photonic diagnostics platform that delivers exceptional sensitivity, accuracy, and a broad dynamic range. This cutting-edge technology enables diagnostics with precision surpassing traditional laboratory standards – a POCT with beyond lab-level precision.

Surfix’s objective is to continuously enhance the platform, ensuring it remains easy to use while offering reliable and sensitive detection of a wide array of biomarkers. By doing so, Surfix is committed to elevating healthcare standards and making advanced diagnostics accessible globally.


Agro Business Park 2
6708PW Wageningen
Mitarbeiteranzahl: 25
Gründungsjahr: 2011


Dr. L.M.W. Scheres
+31 85 488 1285